Wednesday, March 25, 2009


It has been quite the hiatus, but I'm back with a sprained right shoulder. To make matter worst, I had to load an 8kg mold set onto the lab press machine situated so high up all by myself!! This had gravely agitated the muscles on my shoulder and I can hardly move it now. The knocking of bones against each other disgust me!! I felt as though my arm is dislocated, but I’m pretty sure it is still intact and very much attached to my body.

Breaks are pretty much the best invention ever, thus I am taking a break from lab work today, sitting at my desk and typing away. Many thoughts crossed my mind but I cannot decide on which I should be penning down. To be honest, life is quite mundane and always revolving around work, work and more work.

Freak not, I’ve had enough of work and I wouldn’t use the space here today to update on the progress of my project. Suddenly, I don’t know what to write. It seemed like I’ve lost all inspiration within seconds as I’m staring hard at that smiling yellow cow on the table. Oh yes… Cows… Ever wonder why I started this blog and named it Tatty Cow a few years back??

Seriously, I can hardly remember now. All I know is that it tells a story, whether or not you hear it is another matter. I have been through a lot over the years, aged and had grown wiser. Sometimes, I feel older than my actual age, when my actions in dealing with certain situation stunned myself. In fact, this blog had taught me to believe that I have to respect myself before gaining the respect from others.

And yes, I know I’ve done it when I took the first step in walking out of the shadow that once tied down my self-esteem, realizing that I still love myself and happier than before. No, there is no secret to happiness. Why get affected by others who deemed I’m useless or not up-to-their-mark?? I live life once and I’m determined to make it colourful. I set the standards, I achieve them, and I feel proud of myself. That’s more than enough.

I looked into the mirror to welcome a different me.

I smile.


Anonymous said...

U'r always an angel in my eyes...


Adarina said...

Thanks..But I'm quite a devil sometimes!! =P