Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Home Alone

There is nothing to do on a lonely Tuesday night, and nothing interesting is airing over the radio tonight!! I'm dead bored… Someone save me!!! Since LZ kept bugging me to update my blog but I’m always too happy to write, I shall attempt to write something tonight. =) Dinner was great with his company and the long way home triggered deep thoughts. So deep I had forgotten to put the groceries into the fridge!!

I was captivated with the general mindset of guys, which I think is predictable. To put it simply, there is less emotions to talk about, and their actions follow a flowchart. They were programmed and engineered to function in a certain way, like in the dating scene, guys switch to the default mode to look for girls. Basically like computing program.

The computing module from years back is haunting me tonight, so let me try k?

#include (courage)
#define (ladies)

int main
{ scanf (ladies = real boobs + butt)}

if (lady= I_think_she’s_the_one)
{printf (can I date you?) }
if (reply = ok)

Start dating:

Go_to_Shopping Mall;
Shopping Mall:
{smile; hold hands; evaluation}

if (lady= not_really_my_type)
{printf (Let’s break up)
return to main}

else (continue dating)

{Hand on her shoulder; popcorn; smile; kiss}

if (someone better comes along)
{scanf (that girl better than this girl?)
if (answer = true)
{dump present girlfriend}

else (continue dating)

dating period > x years
{printf (Will you marry me?)}
if (answer = yes)
exit program

else (choose option 1 or 2)
{option 1 = continue dating; option 2 = dump girlfriend}

return {home}

The program is my thoughts and probably wouldn’t work if you copy it into a compiler. =P Writing this is killing my brain cells!!

Oh yes!! Before turning to bed, I have to say that LZ treats me the best!! (smiling from ear to ear) I had a sore throat, slight fever yesterday and a pimple in my ear. LZ bought me herbal tea and delivered it in person to my office (a big deal for someone to travel all the way to the ulu-est part of Singapore you know)!! What else can I say? I feel sorry for the rest of the women as I got the best guy out there. Hehehe… Ok, I'm so childish.

Nitez. Yawn~

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